has shipped thousands of products through its websites such as Kershaw-Knives.Net and Gerber-Tools.Com. One bottleneck identified immediately was the time it took to manually type each order into the database and then type it again through the shipping company.
Through experience and hard work we have written in house programs that identify orders, submit them to a database, import them into carriers' shipping systems, and send shipment email notification to customers. The time saved by minimizing manual data entry was enormous. This time savings immediately improved the bottom line and made us even more competitive in the marketplace.
Let us take a look at your logisitcs systems and recommend areas of improvement. If there is a need we can develop a custom software that will fit your system like a glove. Your customers will be amazed at your speed, and your competitiveness will grow tremendously.
Here's how it works:
1.) Contact us and tell us about your shipping system. There is no fee for this consultation. We'll learn about your system, and if there is a need we'll recommend logistics to you.
2.) During the consulation we'll show you avenues of logistics that will save you time and money. A custom software may be offered to facilitate these avenues. Even if you choose not to use the methods facilitated by custom software the recommendations alone will be enough to set you on the right path.
Give us a call at 800.458.1606